Fastmarkets proposes to amend the publishing frequency of its three calcined alumina prices from monthly to quarterly.
A growing focus by consumers on Scope 3 carbon emissions is putting raw materials, such as bauxite and alumina, in the spotlight Squaring Wheel

Glencore has started to beef up its aluminium business unit with the acquisition of stakes in bauxite and alumina assets
Bauxite, fob Trombetas, Brazil, $/dmt
Bauxite, refractory-grade, 85%/2.0/3.15-3.2 (0-6mm), fob Xingang, $/tonne
Bauxite, refractory-grade, 86%/2.0/3.15-3.2 (0-6mm), fob Xingang, $/tonne
Bauxite, refractory-grade, 87%/2.0/3.15-3.2 (0-6mm), fob Xingang, $/tonne
Bauxite, refractory-grade, 88%/2.0/3.15-3.2 (0-6mm), fob Xingang, $/tonne
Alumina index inferred, fob Brazil, $/dmt
Alumina index adjustment to fob Australia index, Brazil, $/dmt
Alumina index, fob Australia, $/tonne
Alumina metallurgical grade, exw China, yuan/tonne

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