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Kids often return home from kindy or daycare with ‘interesting’ items they’ve made, or found/nicked from someone else. Dinnerware

But one mom this week discovered an unusual item stuck to her child’s water bottle… and she immediately assumed the worst.
Mom @thebusiesttoddler took to her TikTok account to explain what happened.
After collecting her little one from daycare, she noticed a strange-looking sticker on her water bottle.
In fact, it looked like a big, green, and glittery… marijuana leaf.
But once she turned the bottle upside down, she realized her mistake – and luckily for us, posted about it.
She captioned it: “POV: Your child comes home with this sticker from daycare and you pick up the phone to enquire.”
The sticker had been placed on the bottle the wrong way… so it actually was a dragonfly.
Naturally, Britney Spears’ ‘Oops I did it again’ was the music for the video.
Viewers posted their delight in the comments section of the now-viral #mumfail.
“From draggin high to dragonfly,” one joked.
“What type of “nursery” are they going to,” laughed another.
Lots of viewers noticed that the dragonfly was missing a few leaves, which would make it look more like marijuana – but they could see how the mom made the mistake.
“Pot leaves have seven points,” read just one of the many comments from those in the know.
Other viewers were relieved for the mom that she noticed her error before she called the daycare center, with one even writing, “Please tell me you called and embarrassed yourself.”
But we loved this story that was shared: “So I worked for Coach in 2009+, and they did this with dragonfly earrings. I reported it so they could turn it the right way 😂😂😂.”

Cookware That’s great if that’s a true tale; but one thing’s for sure – most of us will never look at a dragonfly the same way again.