Find out how to make every meal in Dreamlight Valley’s A Rift in Time DLC expansion
Disney Dreamlight Valley Eternity Isle recipes are the latest thing to get Dreamlight Valley players exploring. Soft Drink

The game’s first major DLC expansion A Rift in Time was released on December 5, adding a new area called Eternity Isle.
This new land has a completely new set of ingredients and 125 new meals, meaning a whole new set of recipes to learn.
Our Disney Dreamlight Valley Eternity Isle recipe list will tell you how to make every meal in A Rift in Time.
Note: This guide is only for the meals in the A Rift in Time expansion. For all other recipes, visit our main Disney Dreamlight Valley recipes list.
We’ve fixed one error in the guide (for the Brandade de Morue recipe).
If you spot any more, let us know in the comments, but it should be fully correct now.
As you’ve seen above, some of the recipes ask for general categories of ingredient, like ‘sweet’ or ‘spice’.
If you’re not at a cooking pot and you’re trying to plan ahead what ingredients you need, this can be a bit confusing, because the ingredient categories listed in the Collection screen when you pause the game are different from the categories when you’re cooking.
Here’s the full list of all nine cooking categories and the ingredients that fall under each one. If you see a category listed in any of the recipes above, you can use any of the ingredients in that category, as listed below.
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