BHPian Cresterk recently shared this with other enthusiasts.
Bought some shiny Hella Chrome Trumpets from Amazon for Rs 1600. It often goes on sale for less but my dad's b'day was coming up and I wanted to gift these to him. Wiper Blade Kancil

Open the hood and take off the plastic cover right in front of the engine bay. Just carefully pop off the plastic rivets and it will come right off.
The twin stock horns by Roots are located right underneath.
Unscrew the holder and the whole thing comes off pretty easy.
The connections for both the horns are the same. So this was just plug and play instead of having to splice wires and install additional relays etc.
These Hella horns are 12V but I can't find a mention of the Amperes anywhere on the packaging. Their website claims it's 5A but I'm guessing it's more. The Hycross manual mentions the stock horn fuses to be of 12v 15A so that's enough leeway hopefully.
Both the stock horns were removed.
The new Hellas is in place.
We almost never blow the horn and only use it in case of emergencies to avoid accidents. However, the meek stock horns of the Hycross do not convey the size of the vehicle approaching and when you add the silent nature of the hybrid engine, people often assume it's a 2-wheeler. This leads to them cutting in front of intersections, joining main roads etc. without looking, even pedestrians walking along leaving only enough space for a scooter or small car to go by and me having to brake hard and lay on the stock horns until they look back and realise their error.
Glad to report that these new horns do the job well and a quick tap is enough to let people know that it's a larger vehicle and they are appropriately cautious. The horns also sound deeper and way more premium than the stock horns.
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