
Cape May Sets Fee Structure for Electric Vehicle Charging Stations - Cape May County Herald

CAPE MAY – On Tuesday, Feb. 6, Cape May City Council introduced an ordinance amendment authorizing a fee structure for city-owned electric vehicle charging stations. The new regulations would become part of a previously adopted ordinance setting standards for EV service equipment and make-ready parking spaces.

The fee structure sets rates for both city-owned level 2 and level 3 chargers. Fast Ev Charger

Cape May Sets Fee Structure for Electric Vehicle Charging Stations - Cape May County Herald

Users of city-owned level 2 chargers will pay $1.75 an hour for the first four hours and $3.50 an hour thereafter. A charge at a level 3 station will cost $0.40 per kilowatt-hour and $1.25 per minute after the first hour.

The ordinance affirms that a private owner of an EV service equipment may collect a fee for its use in accordance with applicable state and federal regulations.

When the city-owned station is located at a metered parking space, the user of the EV service equipment must also pay the parking fee.

This ordinance will come up for a public hearing and potential vote to adopt at the Tuesday, March 5, meeting of the city council, which starts at 5 p.m. in the City Hall auditorium.

Contact the author, Vince Conti, at

Vince Conti is a reporter for the Cape May County Herald.

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Cape May Sets Fee Structure for Electric Vehicle Charging Stations - Cape May County Herald

Electric Gas Station 1508 Route 47 Rio Grande, NJ 08242 609-886-8600